leongovier UX

User Experience Design

Design Systems.

A design system is a collection of reusable components that are defined in an atomic way.

Think of it as a big knowledge base with instructions, language and coding guidelines all wrapped up together. 


The life cycle of a modern design sytem

An organized workspace that is friendly to non-designers, making it easy for everyone to collaborate and ship products more effectively ensuring a single source of truth.


A design system provides a shared library of components, patterns, and guidelines that the team can reuse, which can reduce the time spent on creating and coding components from scratch.


With a design system in place, updates and maintenance become more manageable as changes can be made to the central library and propagated throughout the product.


A shared design system can serve as a common language for designers, developers, and other team members, which can lead to more effective collaboration and communication.


A well-structured design system makes it easier to scale the product and the team, as new team members can quickly familiarize themselves with the system and contribute effectively.


Getting the fundamentals in place by creating components in Figma, defining layout grids and being pixel-perfect from the start.


Work collaboratively with development teams to learn the framework they are using, existing UI and patterns will exist to build upon.


Use the correct software to create a bridge between design and development, eg. whether Zeplin for smooth handover or Storybook for true export of components.


Increased efficiency and direct return on investment

A well-built design system & component library will increase efficiency across scrum teams by about 20%* (*based on previous experience) bringing real financial gains to your business.

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Did you know?

App Design

The user interface (UI) of an iPhone app and an Android app can differ in several ways. Generally, iPhone apps tend to have a more consistent and standardized UI due to the limited number of iPhone models and screen sizes, which allows developers to optimize their apps for a specific set of devices. In contrast, Android apps need to be designed to work with a wide range of screen sizes and devices, leading to more variability in the UI. Additionally, the design language for iPhone apps tends to be more minimalist and sleek, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. Android apps, on the other hand, often have a more customizable and adaptable UI, allowing users to personalize their experience and interact with the app in a way that suits them best.

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Lean process

The lean process in product design is essential because it emphasizes rapid experimentation, continuous learning, and iterative improvement, allowing designers to create a product that is both efficient and effective. The lean process involves developing a minimum viable product (MVP) that includes only the essential features and functionalities, then testing it with real users and gathering feedback to refine and improve the product. By using the lean process, designers can reduce the time and cost of product development and avoid wasting resources on features or functionalities that do not add value to the user. Moreover, the lean process can enhance the product’s usability, accessibility, and user experience, as it involves testing and validating the product with real users and incorporating their feedback into the design. Therefore, incorporating the lean process in product design is crucial for creating a successful and effective product that meets the user’s needs and provides a positive and engaging user experience while minimizing waste and maximizing value.

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User Testing

User testing in product design is essential because it enables designers to evaluate and refine the product’s usability, accessibility, and user experience based on feedback from the target users. By conducting user testing, designers can identify and address usability issues, pain points, and user needs that may not be apparent from the design or development process alone. User testing can also help designers validate their assumptions, ideas, and prototypes and gain insights into user behavior, preferences, and expectations. Moreover, user testing can improve the product’s adoption, satisfaction, and retention, as it can ensure that the product meets the user’s needs and provides a positive and engaging user experience. Therefore, incorporating user testing in product design is crucial for creating a successful and effective product that not only meets the business goals but also satisfies and delights the users.

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Aesthetic Usability

Aesthetic usability in web design is critical because it combines the principles of usability and aesthetics to create a website that not only functions well but also looks appealing and engaging to the user. Aesthetically pleasing designs can enhance user satisfaction, trust, and loyalty, as users are more likely to perceive a website positively if it is visually pleasing and enjoyable to use. Moreover, aesthetic usability can also improve user engagement and retention, as it can create a memorable and distinctive user experience that sets the website apart from competitors. Additionally, aesthetic usability can contribute to the website’s branding and marketing, as it can communicate the website’s personality, values, and message. Therefore, incorporating aesthetic usability in web design is crucial for creating a successful and effective website that not only meets the user’s needs but also delights and inspires them.

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Layout Practice

Layout in web design is crucial because it affects the overall structure, organization, and visual hierarchy of the website, which can significantly impact the user’s experience and engagement. A well-designed layout can enhance the website’s usability, accessibility, and readability by organizing the content into logical and intuitive sections, providing clear navigation and emphasizing the key information. Moreover, layout can also improve the website’s aesthetics, branding, and storytelling, as it can communicate the website’s tone, mood, and personality. Additionally, layout can affect the website’s responsiveness, loading time, and search engine ranking, as a cluttered and disorganized layout can negatively impact the website’s performance and user engagement. Therefore, incorporating a thoughtful and strategic layout in web design is crucial for creating a successful and effective website.

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Color Theory

Color theory in web design is essential because colors have a powerful impact on human psychology and can influence the user’s emotions, perceptions, and behavior. By understanding color theory, designers can choose the right colors and color combinations to create a visual language that communicates the website’s message and engages the user. Color theory encompasses concepts such as color harmony, contrast, saturation, and brightness, which can be used to create a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing color scheme that enhances the website’s branding and usability. Moreover, color theory can also improve accessibility, as color contrast can affect the readability of the text, especially for users with visual impairments. Therefore, incorporating color theory in web design is crucial for creating a successful and impactful website.

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Typographic hierarchy

Typographic hierarchy in web design is critical because it enables designers to organize and prioritize content based on its importance and relevance, making it easier for users to navigate and understand the website’s message. By using different typefaces, font sizes, weights, and styles, designers can create a visual hierarchy that guides the user’s attention and emphasizes the key elements of the content. A clear typographic hierarchy can also improve readability, legibility, and accessibility, especially for users with visual impairments or reading difficulties. Additionally, typographic hierarchy can enhance the website’s aesthetics, branding, and overall user experience, as it can communicate the website’s tone, mood, and personality. Therefore, incorporating a well-designed typographic hierarchy is crucial for creating a successful and effective web design.

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Responsive Design

Responsive UI in web design is essential because it allows websites to adapt and optimize their layout and content based on the screen size and device used by the user. With the growing use of mobile devices to access the web, having a responsive UI ensures that websites can be accessed and used on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. A responsive UI not only enhances user experience by providing a seamless and consistent interface across devices, but it also improves the website’s usability, accessibility, and search engine ranking. Moreover, responsive UI can save time and resources for designers and developers by reducing the need for creating separate designs and coding for different devices, resulting in a more efficient and cost-effective web development process.

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Accessibility in web design is crucial because it ensures that websites and digital content can be accessed by everyone, regardless of their physical abilities or disabilities. When websites are designed with accessibility in mind, people with disabilities such as visual, auditory, or motor impairments can use assistive technologies to navigate and interact with the content. Moreover, accessibility benefits not only those with disabilities but also those with temporary impairments or limitations, such as people using small screens or slow internet connections. By making websites accessible, designers can reach a wider audience, improve user experience, and promote inclusivity and equal access to information and services.

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Contact me to discuss potential contract work and how we can work together.

leongovier UX

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